Prepare for a full-body inferno in our intense Mega Shred class led by Trainer Bonheur. This high-energy 60-minute circuit training workout maximizes fat burning and metabolism through alternating strength training and cardio bursts. You'll shred calories and build lean muscle with compound moves like battle ropes, tire flipping, sledgehammers, and more! Bonheur provides modifications but still pushes you out of your comfort zone to reach new fitness levels. Leave drenched in sweat, muscles quivering, and calories torched. Join Mega Shred on Thursdays at 6:30PM to take your body, fitness and confidence to all-time highs!
Medium & Heigh
7,000 RWF / Day
60 min

Class Benefits

Our Mega Shred circuit training class offers an incredible full-body workout in just 60 minutes. The non-stop alternating strength and cardio intervals maximize calorie and fat burn while building lean muscle mass. Compound exercises like battle rope slams and tire flips elevate the heart rate and engage all major muscle groups. Mega Shred improves cardiovascular endurance, strength, and athletic performance. Using equipment like sledgehammers and ropes provides unique resistance. Short duration at high intensity taps into fast-twitch muscle fibers. Our trainer pushes participants out of their comfort zone to see real results. Mega Shred leaves your body drenched in sweat, muscles worked to fatigue, and metabolism fired up for hours!